Conference SYSINT
5th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence Intelligent, flexible and connected systems in products and production, June 3rd (Mon.) - 5th (Wed.), 2020: Bremen, Germany
- Still accepting submissions! Deadline extension!
- Remaining time for abstract submission:
- Remaining time for full paper submission:
- Remaining time until the conference event starts:
This international conference provides a forum for academia and industry to disseminate their latest innovations and practices. The focus is set on integration of new, intelligent functionalities into materials, components, systems and products to enable future technologies with enhanced capabilities.
The conference provides a forum for academia and industry, centered around 6 main topics:
Intelligent Systems: Enabling Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
- Agent-based Planning and Reasoning
- Applied Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Self-* Systems (*: Adaptivity, Awareness, Configuration, Connectivity, Learning, Coordination)
- Knoweldge-based Systems
- Cloud-based Computing and Manufacturing
The Future of Manufacturing: Cyber-Physical Production and Logistic Systems
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
- Agent-based Computing and Agent-based Simulation
- Agent Processing Platforms
- Distributed Embedded and Mobile Systems
- Ad-hoc and Mobile Networks
- Sensor Networks (large-scale, material-applied or material-integrated, low-power, Smart Dust)
- Crowd and Mobile Sensing
- Smart Sensors
- Smart Cities
- Smart Energy Management (in sensor networks)
- Data Mining from sensor data
Structural Health Monitoring
Systems Engineering
- Soft Robotics and Human-Machine-Interaction
Special Issue in Computers Journal
The authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended and revised version of the conference paper to the MDPI Computers journal, special issue SI3S (Short Title: System-Integrated Intelligence and Intelligent Systems).

- External Link: Computers
- Guest Editor: Stefan Bosse (on behalf on the conference chairs)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berend Denkena (Leibniz Universität Hannover, IFW)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Thoben (University of Bremen, BIBA)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ansgar Trächtler (University of Paderborn, Heinz Nixdorf Institute)
Organizing Committee
- PD Dr. Stefan Bosse (Computer Science Department, University of Bremen and Faculty Computer Science, University of Koblenz-Landau)
- Aleksandra Himstedt (LogDynamics, University of Bremen)
- Dr.-Ing. Viktor Just (Heinz Nixdorf Instiute, University of Paderborn)
- Gerold Kuiper (Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools, Leibniz Universität Hannover)
- Dr.-Ing. Dirk Lehmhus (ISIS Sensorial Materials Scientific Centre, University of Bremen)
- Dr.-Ing. Marco Lewandowski (Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, University of Bremen)
- Tobias Stiehl (Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools, Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Time Schedule
- Call for Symposia Topics: Deadline 31. August 2019
- Call for Abstracts: Deadline 15. December 2019
- Notification of Acceptance: 20. Dezember 2019
- Full paper submission: Deadline 20. Februar 2020
- Reviewer Feedback: 15. März 2020
- Final Paper Submission: 5. April 2020