Conference ECSA
6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications 15–30 November 2019
Conference Home WEB ecsa-6.sciforum.net
The 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications will be held from 15 to 30 November 2019 in the internet environment. This event will solely be an online proceeding which allows the participation from all over the world with no concerns of travel and related expenditures, while at the same time making rapid and direct exchanges about the latest research findings and novel ideas in sensors. All proceedings will be held online at https://ecsa-6.sciforum.net/ and in Journal Proceedings.
The conference aims to bring the scientists working in the field onto a common platform and promote and advance the exciting and rapidly changing field of sensing technologies and applications along the following four main themes:
- Chemo and Biosensors (Session A)
- Physical Sensors (Session B)
- Sensor Networks (Session C)
- Applications (Session D)
and three specific sessions:
- Structural Health Monitoring Technologies and Sensor Networks (Specific Session S1)
- Wearable sensors (Specific Session S2)
- Smart Cities (Specific Session S3)
and also a Poster session.Posters can be presented without an accompanying proceedings paper and will be available online on this website during and after the e-conference. However, they will not be added to the proceedings of the conference.
- Dr. Stefano Mariani, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Dr. Tom A. Messervey, CEO and Co-Founder Research to Market Solution s.r.l., Italy
- Dr. Alberto Vallan, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Dr. Stefan Bosse, Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen, and Faculty Computer Science, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
- Dr. Francisco Falcone, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering & Institute for Smart Cities (ISC), Public University of Navarre, Spain
Time Schedule
- Abstract Submission: 10 September 2019
- Notification of Acceptance:10 September 2019
- Proceedings Paper Submission Deadline: 15 October 2019
- Conference Open: 15-30 November 2019