time and memory requirements for pre-computations before actu-
ally launching the monitoring device due to the physical and
numerical model are nowadays becoming less important due to
advanced numerical simulation methods and increasing computa-
tional power.
Reliable distributed data processing in sensor networks using
multi-agent systems (MAS) were recently reported in [11] and
employed for SHM applications in [12]. An adaptive and learning
behaviour of MAS, which is a fundamental principle in the agent
model, can aid to overcome technical unreliability and limitations
[13]. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used in
sensorial materials without a predictive mechanical model at hand
[1], which is a definite advantage for complex materials.
Multi-agent systems can be used for a decentralized and self-
organizing approach of data processing in a distributed system like
a sensor network (that is already applied in macro-scale applica-
tions, e.g., in [14]), enabling information extraction, for example,
based on pattern recognition [15], by decomposing complex tasks
in simpler cooperative agents.
In this work the behaviour of mobile agents is related to a state
and is modelled with an activity-transition graph (ATG) which is
implemented with the Activity-based Agent Programming Lan-
guage AAPL [16]. An activity is related with a state and actions per-
formed by activating an activity by a transition.
AAPL models can be compiled to various agent processing plat-
form architectures including programmable code-based stack
machines [17] and non-programmable, part of each sensor node.
The non-programmable agent processing platform implements
the ATG behaviour directly [16], enabling very low-resource single
microsystem platforms. In the case of the programmable agent
platform the program code implements the agent behaviour
entirely. The ATG can be modified at run-time by the agent itself
using dedicated AAPL transformation statements [18]. By using
program code that is executed on a Virtual Machine (VM) this is
performed by code morphing techniques provided by the VM.
Agents carrying the code, data, and already applied modifications,
are capable to migrate in the network between nodes [18]. Both
processing platform architectures use token-based and pipelined
agent processing for optimized resource sharing and parallel
The programmable agent processing platform used for the exe-
cution of agents is a pipelined stack-based virtual machine, with
support for code morphing and code migration. This VM approach
offers small sized agent program code, low system complexity,
high data processing performance, and enables the support of
heterogeneous network ranging from microchips to the internet.
The agent platform VM can be implemented directly in hardware
with a System-on-Chip design. Agents processed on one particular
node can interact by using a tuple-space server provided by each
sensor node. Remote interaction is provided by signals carrying
data which can cross sensor node boundaries.
This approach provides a high degree of computational inde-
pendency from the underlying platform and other agents, and
enhanced robustness of the entire heterogeneous environment in
the presence of node, sensor, link, data processing, and communi-
cation failures. Support for heterogeneous networks considering
hardware (System-on-Chip designs) and software (microproces-
sor) platforms is covered by one design and synthesis flow includ-
ing functional behavioural simulation. For material-integration,
there is an application specific agent processing platform that
implements the agent behaviour on-chip, offering the lowest
resource and chip area requirements.
The mechanical model of the structure under investigation
allows in particular the pre-computation of a sufficiently accurate
discretization of the forward mapping T linking loads with mea-
sured signals. Moreover, this pre-computation allows to associate
to each sensor an individual signal level that might potentially
be critical for the entire structure.
Hence, when a load change that is potentially critical is detected
by one the material-integrated sensors, the signals measured by all
sensors are propagated to an exterior CPU. An alternative way is
that merely those sensors noting a critical load change start to
propagate their signals to the exterior CPU. The propagated signals
are then fed into a regularization scheme that is able to stably
invert signals into loads.
As discussed above, Tikhonov regularization is a feasible regu-
larization scheme, computing an approximation to the true load
as solution to the linear system
T þ
Þl ¼ T
s þ
; ð3Þ
where T
denotes the transpose of T. The solution to this system is
hence computed rapidly with low cost if one is able to pre-compute
a singular value decomposition of the matrix T. The disadvantage of
this inversion scheme is that reconstructions of discontinuous
loads, in particular with small support, are smoothed out which
makes the precise location of the support of a load difficult. Several
iterative inversion techniques such as the steepest descent method
or the conjugate gradient method applied to T
Tl = T
g avoid this
disadvantage. Further, they merely require the ability to compute
matrix–vector products and a (cheap stopping) rule to stabilize
the inversion. The class of iterative inversion methods also includes
the so-called Landweber iteration and its variant, the so-called iter-
ative soft shrinkage. The disadvantage of the latter two techniques
is their slow convergence, and the huge number of iterations are
necessary to compute accurate inversions [9,19].
Combining Self-organizing Multi-Agent Systems (SoMAS) and
event-based sensor data distribution with inverse numerical meth-
ods into a hybrid data processing approach has several advantages:
First, the (possibly distinct) critical level for an individual sensor
signal can be pre-computed for each sensor position individually.
Second, depending on the a priori knowledge on the expected loads
on the structure, a suitable regularization technique can be chosen
as inversion method, promoting specific features of the expected
loads. Third, the sensor positions themselves might well be opti-
mized with respect to the last two points, aiming for sensor posi-
tions that maximize the detectability of critical loads and/or
sensor positions that maximize the quality of load reconstructions
from sensor signals.
This work introduces some novelties compared to other data
processing and agent platform approaches and previously pub-
lished work [16,18,17,20]:
Complete multi-domain simulation of large-scale multi-agent
systems, sensor networks, and numerical computation with a
unified database centric simulation environment.
Sensor signal preprocessing at run-time inside the sensor net-
work by using multi-agent systems. Event-based sensor data
distribution and pre-computation with agents reduces commu-
nication and overall network activity resulting in reduced
energy consumption.
Agent mobility crossing different execution platforms in mesh-
like networks and agent interaction by using tuple-space data-
bases and global signal propagation aid solving data distribu-
tion and synchronization issues in the design of distributed
sensor networks connected to generic computer networks and
the Internet.
Enhanced inverse numeric improving stability and accuracy is
used to compute the load for a structure from noisy and incom-
plete sensor data.
An advanced on- and off-line processing with off-line inverse
numerical computation of mechanical loads form on-line pre-
processed sensor data allows the determination of the system
14 S. Bosse, A. Lechleiter / Mechatronics 34 (2016) 12–37